Sunday, October 08, 2006

Emergency Pay Day Loans

Everything You Need to Know About Payday Loans

If your considering a payday loan then read on before you sign on the dotted line?

This is your Payday Loans Quick Guide, Payday loans often called advance loans, check advance loans, or deferred deposit loans, pay day loans come with an unusually very high interest rate and are quite often very expensive. Payday loans should always only be your last resort if you need to borrow money in an emergency. But, if you need money to meet a short-term cash need, a payday loan may be just be what you need.

Payday Loans are often secured against a personal check to the lender for the amount (sometimes including the interest) that you want to borrow. You will get the amount of the secured check less the fee and then the fee is calculated on the total amount that is borrowed. If you then need to extend the Payday Loan for a longer period, you will need to be prepared to pay additional fees for each extension period.

Like all Lenders, the institutions that offer payday loans are required by law to disclose the full and potential costs that may be involved in the loan. You MUST pay extra close attention to the finance charges and the APR (annual percentage rate). Ensure sure you shop around to get various offers and then choose the best deal that suits your own needs, and if the interest rates are extortionately high, you should first negotiate and then try to only borrow the minimum amount you need and make every effort to repay it as quick as possible.