Dealing With Debt - Debt Problems
Credit is assuming a larger role in the life of the average person. Living beyond your means was once considered sinful; now it is a common way to spend anticipated future earnings. This can be good or bad, depending on the individual situation. Certainly, credit is a good idea for the high priced capital items, such as cars, or household appliances; because of the length of time it would take to save and buy such items, buying on credit is a sensible way to be able to enjoy the goods now, and pay later.
Assessing Your Financial Situation - Debt Problems
In this fast moving world, we sometimes lose track of certain parts of our lives. Personal finances are often complicated; with increasing pressure on time available, many people let this aspect of their lives slide. In fact, it is probably one of the most neglected areas. It is too easy to adopt an attitude of "spend, spend, spend…" until the money runs out. However, this policy eventually turns sour, and something needs to be done. As stressed earlier, the sooner you recognise that there is a problem, the better. The next step is to do something about it....
Come back as we delve deeper into debt problems in this bi-weekly advice blog