So debt is spiralling out of control in the UK... should we be surprised ?
Anyone who lives in London and tries to keep their head above water already knows this. The trials and tribulations of earning a decent wage and yet still coming up short each month is a real pressure and stress.
There is just too much to buy, there are too many messages telling us what we should have to keep our lives respectable in this modern age of technologcial and style advance.
But then there is always the trusted credit cards that offer endless lines of credit, and when those run out, you can apply for another one, transfer the balance and get 0% for 6 months... and so the merry go round spirals untill you need to take advantage of the many debt consolidation firms out there !!!
Ah, where will it end? the important thing is not to get in debt in the first place, live within your means and within your needs.
Check out for some great free ideas on how not toget into debt or for debt removal
In the meantime. Check back here weekly for hints and tips provided by a selection of experts. It wont cost you a penny and may help you long term !